Global constants
Actual version of WGo player
Information text about WGo
Constant for black color.
Constant for white color.
Directory of WGo.js file.
True if current browser is Opera.
True if current browser is Webkit browser.
True if current browser is Firefox.
True if current browser is IE.
Language of the WGo. Default is en
. You can change this variable, but WGo.i18n[WGo.lang]
should exist.
Object with terms. Its structure is like this: {en: {key1: term1, ... , keyN: termN}}
. All output texts should be saved in this object in order to be translated. If you want to add support of your language you can extend this object.
Global properties
If set true users will see all errors, otherwise they stay hidden. Actually it does nothing in standalone WGo.js, however WGo.js Player use this constant. Default: true.
Global functions
WGo.extendClass(parent, child)
Helper function for class inheritance.
parent Function
Constructor of parent class.
child Function
Constructor of child class - this class inherits methods from parent class.
Function Child constructor.
Helper function for deep copy of simple JSON-like objects.
obj Object
Object to be cloned.
Object Clone of the object.
Escapes html tags in text. To avoid XSS.
html string
HTML text to be filtered.
string Safe text.
WGo.t(key[, arg1, ..., argN])
Function for output. It returns appropriate term in currently active language.
key String
Key of the term.
args String
Additional arguments. If specified, characters $
in target term will be replaced by arguments. First $
is replaced with arg1
, second $
with arg2
string Appropriate term. At first variable
is checked, then
. If both variables are undefined it returns argument
WGo.Board is a class that produces HTML5 canvas go board. Through its interface you can add and remove objects like stones on the board.
Board consists of 3 canvas layers. Bottom layer contains a grid, second layer is for stone's shadows and finally the topmost layer is for stones and other objects. However you can add your own layer for your own purposes, just extend Board.CanvasLayer
In the documentation I use 2 coordinates system:
- relative coordinates - they serve for location of fields. On common board of size 19 coordinates 0:0 means top left field (A19 in common notation), 18:0 means top right field (T19), 0:18 is bottom left field (A1) and 18:18 is bottom right filed (T1).
- absolute coordinates - for locating single pixels on canvas. Coordinates 0:0 are coordinates of left and topmost pixel of board's canvases.
WGo.Board(element, config)
Constructor - creates instance of WGo.Board class.
element HTMLElement
Target HTML element for the board.
config Object
Configuration object of the board. It is simple JSON with structure: {key1: value1, ..., keyN: valueN}
. All configurations are optional. Possible configurations are:
- size number Size of the board (default: 19)
- width number Width of the board (default: 0)
- height number Height of the board (default: 0)
- font string Font of board writings (default: "Calibri")
- lineWidth number Line width of board drawings (default: 1)
- starPoints Object Star points coordinates, defined for various board sizes. Look in source code at Board.default for object structure.
- stoneHandler WGo.Board.DrawHandler Stone drawing handler (default:
- starSize number Size of star points (default: 1). Radius of stars is dynamic, however you can modify it by given constant.
- stoneSize number Size of stone (default: 1). Radius of stone is dynamic, however you can modify it by given constant.
- shadowSize number Size of stone shadow (default: 1). Radius of shadow is dynamic, however you can modify it by given constant.
- section Object It defines a section of board to be displayed. You can set a number of rows (or cols) to be skipped on each side. Numbers can be negative, in that case there will be more empty space. In default all values are zeros. Object has structure:
{top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number}
- background string Background of the board, it can be either color (#RRGGBB) or path to image. Empty string means no background will be applied. (default:
Public properties
These properties can be changed without calling any method. However you will probably need to redraw board after any changes. In this documentation I use variable board as instance of WGo.Board class.
board.font string
Font used in board drawings.
board.lineWidth number
Line width use in some objects (eg circle marker).
board.stoneHandler WGo.Board.DrawHandler
Draw handler used for stones.
board.starSize number
Final size of star points in pixels is computed according to field size, however it is multiplied with this constant.
board.stoneSize number
Final size of stones (and other common objects) in pixels is computed according to field size, however it is multiplied with this constant. It shouldn't be greater than 1.
board.shadowSize number
Final size of shadows in pixels is computed according to field size, however it is multiplied with this constant. It shouldn't be greater than 1.
board.stoneRadius number
Size of stone radius in pixels. It shouldn't be changed.
board.element HTMLElement
Main HTML element of the board. You shouldn't change it, however you can alter it - for example change style.
Public methods
Initialization method, it is called in constructor. You shouldn't call it, but you can alter it.
Sets new width of board and redraws it, height is computed to keep correct aspect ratio.
- width number
New width of board.
Sets new height of board and redraws it, width is computed to keep correct aspect ratio.
- height number
New height of board.
board.setDimensions(width, height)
Sets both dimensions, aspect ratio is not kept.
- width number
New width of board.
- height number
New height of board.
Sets section of the board to be displayed.
- section Object You can set a number of rows (or cols) to be skipped on each side. Numbers can be negative, in that case there will be more empty space. In default all values are zeros. Object has structure:
{top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number}
Sets size of the board. Most common values are 19, 13 and 9. All objects on the board's fields will be removed.
- size number New size of the board.
Returns currently visible section of the board.
Object Section of the board.
Redraws board and every object on it.
Returns absolute coordinates of column.
- x number
Relative x coordinate. It should be not negative number less than board's size. Normally 0-18.
number X coordinate in pixels.
Returns absolute coordinates of row.
- y number
Relative y coordinate. It should be not negative number less than board's size. Normally 0-18.
number Y coordinate in pixels.
board.addLayer(layer, weight)
Adds layer to the board. It is meant to be only for canvas layers.
- layer WGo.Board.CanvasLayer
Layer to be added.
- weight number
Layers with bigger weights are on top.
Removes layer from the board.
- layer WGo.Board.CanvasLayer
Layer to be removed.
Adds object on given coordinates of the board. Object should occupy only one board's field, otherwise they won't be properly painted. This method is meant for stones and markers.
- object Object Array
Object or array objects to be added. Object has this structure {x: number, y: number, type: WGo.Board.DrawHandler|string|undefined}
. X and Y coordinates are required, you must use relative coordinates. Object's type can be WGo.Board.DrawHandler or name of predefined handler, in that case WGo.Board.DrawHandlers[name]
must be valid handler. If you omit object's type, default stone handler will be used. Object can have additional paarmeters which are passed to draw handler.
Adding a black stone with label.
{x: 3, y: 3, c: WGo.B},
{x: 3, y: 3, type: "LB", text: "A"}
Removes object from the board.
- object Object Array
Object or array objects to be removed. Objects should be specified by coordinates and type.
board.removeObjectsAt(x, y)
Remove all objects on given coordinates.
- x number
Relative x coordinate. It should be not negative number less than board's size. Normally 0-18.
- y number
Relative y coordinate. It should be not negative number less than board's size. Normally 0-18.
Remove all objects on the board. This method won't remove custom objects.
board.addCustomObject(handler, args)
Adds custom object on the board.
- handler WGo.Board.DrawHandler
Draw handler for object being added.
- args Object
Configuration object which is passed to draw handler.
board.removeCustomObject(handler, args)
Removes custom object from the board.
- handler WGo.Board.DrawHandler
Draw handler for object being removed.
- args Object
Configuration object which is passed to draw handler.
board.addEventListener(name, callback)
Adds event listener to the board. It should be mouse event listener. It is attached to board's main HTML element.
- name String
Type of event listener. For example: click, mousemove, mouseout etc.
- callback Function
Function to be called when event is triggered. It is called in this way: callback(x, y, event)
where x and y are relative board's coordinates of mouse pointer and event is original event object.
board.removeEventListener(name, callback)
Removes event listener from the board.
- name String
Type of event listener. For example: click, mousemove, mouseout etc.
- callback Function
Listener's callback to be removed.
Get current board state (all objects on the board). It actually returns deep copy of the state.
Object State object of the board. It is composed of two objects: {objects: Array, custom: Array}
, in variable objects they are stored normal objects, in array custom they are stored custom objects.
Restores state from board's state object and redraws board.
- state Object
State object of the board you can retrieve from board.getState()
. It may contain only one component (objects or custom), in that case the omitted component won't be affected.
This class creates HTML5 canvas element.
Constructor - creates instance of WGo.Board.CanvasLayer class.
Public properties
canvasLayer.element HTMLCanvasElement
HTML canvas element of the layer. You shouldn't change it, however you can work with it.
canvasLayer.context CanvasRenderingContext2D
Canvas context used for drawing.
Public methods
canvasLayer.setDimensions(width, height)
Sets dimensions of the canvas.
- width number
New width of the canvas.
- height number
New height of the canvas.
Draws something on the canvas. This method is called by board at the beginnig of drawing. CanvasLayer itself draw nothing.
- board WGo.Board
Board the canvas is part of.
Clears the canvas.
WGo.Board.GridLayer inherits from WGo.Board.CanvasLayer
This canvas layer serves for board's grid. It makes sure the grid is properly painted.
WGo.Board.ShadowLayer inherits from WGo.Board.CanvasLayer
This canvas layer serves for stone's shadows. It assures correct transformation of shadows.
Actually this is not a class but interface. Objects that implement this interface can be used for painting on any board's layer.
DrawHandler object has this structure: {stone: DrawObject, shadow: DrawObject, grid: DrawObject}
. All properties are optional. Property 'stone' is for painting on stone layer, property 'shadow' is for painting on shadow layer and finally property 'grid' is for painting on grid layer.
DrawObject defines the drawing, it has this interface: {draw: Function, clear: Function}
- draw - this function should make drawing on the layer. It has these arguments: args Object arguments of drawing, board WGo.Board full board object. This function is required.
- clear - this function should clear drawing produced by draw function. It has the same arguments as function above. If this function is ommited, default clearing function is used instead. It clears exactly one field specified in args.
Both functions are called in
CanvasRenderingContext2D context of given layer.
DrawHandler of default stone.
var stone = {
// draw handler for stone layer
stone: {
// drawing function - args object contain info about drawing object, board is main board object
// this function is called from canvas2D context
draw: function(args, board) {
var xr = board.getX(args.x),
yr = board.getY(args.y),
sr = board.stoneRadius,
// set stone texture
if(args.c == WGo.W) {
radgrad = this.createRadialGradient(xr-2*sr/5,yr-2*sr/5,2,xr-sr/5,yr-sr/5,4*sr/5);
radgrad.addColorStop(0, '#fff');
radgrad.addColorStop(1, '#d4d4d4');
else {
radgrad = this.createRadialGradient(xr-2*sr/5,yr-2*sr/5,1,xr-sr/5,yr-sr/5,4*sr/5);
radgrad.addColorStop(0, '#666');
radgrad.addColorStop(1, '#000');
// paint stone
this.fillStyle = radgrad;
this.arc(xr-0.5, yr-0.5, sr-0.5, 0, 2*Math.PI, true);
// adding shadow handler
shadow: {
draw: function(args, board) {
var xr = board.getX(args.x),
yr = board.getY(args.y),
sr = board.stoneRadius;
this.fillStyle = 'rgba(32,32,32,0.5)';
this.arc(xr-0.5, yr-0.5, sr-0.5, 0, 2*Math.PI, true);
Static object with predefined draw handlers. It contains these items:
- NORMAL - default stone
- PAINTED - painted stone
- GlOW - glowing stone
- MONO - monochromatic stone
- CR - circle marker
- LB - lable marker (lable is specified by parameter text)
- SQ - square marker
- TR - triangle
- MA - X marker
- SL - filled square marker
- outline - it draws outline of object specified in parameter stoneStyle
- mini - it draws a miniature of object specified in parameter stoneStyle
Simple helper class for storing game's position. Class was initially created for storing stone's colors: WGo.W|WGo.B|0
, however it can be used for storing any values.
Constructor - creates an empty position.
size number
Size of the position. Only square positions are supported. If omitted size will be 19.
Public properties
position.size number
Size of the position. It cannot be changed.
Public methods
position.get(x, y)
Returns specified field of position.
- x number
X coordinate of field.
- y number
Y coordinate of field.
mixed Value of field. Empty fields return 0.
position.set(x, y, value)
Sets new value of specified field of position.
- x number
X coordinate of field.
- y number
Y coordinate of field.
- value mixed
New value of field.
Clears the whole position by filling each field with 0.
Creates shallow copy of the position.
WGo.Position Cloned position.
This class implements game logic. It basically analyses and saves given moves and returns captured stones. WGo.Game also stores every position from the beginning, so it has ability to check repeating positions and it can effectively restore old positions.
WGo.Game([size[, repeat]])
Constructor - creates an Game's class instance.
size number
Size for the game. If omitted size will be 19.
repeat string
Defines how to handle repeated position. Supported options are:
- KO - ko is properly handled - new position cannot be same as previous position.
- ALL - same position cannot be repeated at all - e.g. it forbids triple ko.
- NONE - positions can be repeated.
Public properties
game.size number
Size of the game. It cannot be changed.
game.repeating string
Defines how to handle repeated position. More info in the constructor.
game.turn WGo.B|WGo.W
What color should be played next.
Public methods
Returns current position - the position on the top of the stack.
WGo.Position Current position object., y[, color[, noplay]])
Plays a move. It also creates a new position and puts it on the top of the stack.
- x number
X coordinate of move.
- y number
Y coordinate of move.
- color WGo.B|WGo.W
Color of move. If omitted, inversed color of the last move is used.
- noplay boolean
If true, move isn't played neither saved. Used internally.
Array number
If move is valid method returns array of captured stones saved as objects:
{x: number, y: number}
. If move is invalid method returns error code:
- 1 - given coordinates are not on board.
- 2 - on given coordinates already is a stone.
- 3 - suicide (currently they are forbbiden).
- 4 - repeated position.
Plays a pass. It also clones a position and puts it on the top of the stack.
- color WGo.B|WGo.W
Color of passing player. If omitted, inversed color of the last move is used.
game.isValid(x, y[, color])
Checks validity of given move
- x number
X coordinate of move.
- y number
Y coordinate of move.
- color WGo.B|WGo.W
Color of move. If omitted, inversed color of the last move is used.
boolean True if move is valid and can be played.
game.isOnBoard(x, y)
Checks if given coordinates lie on the board
- x number
X coordinate.
- y number
Y coordinate.
boolean True if coordinates lie on the board.
game.addStone(x, y, color)
Adds stone into the current position. If field isn't empty, stone won't be added. It can be used for setting of position.
- x number
X coordinate of stone.
- y number
Y coordinate of stone.
- color WGo.B|WGo.W
Color of stone.
boolean True if stone is successfully added.
game.removeStone(x, y, color)
Removes stone from the current position. It can be used for setting of position.
- x number
X coordinate of stone.
- y number
Y coordinate of stone.
boolean True if stone was removed.
game.setStone(x, y, color)
Sets stone in the current position. It can be used for setting of position.
- x number
X coordinate of stone.
- y number
Y coordinate of stone.
- color WGo.B|WGo.W
Color of stone.
boolean True if stone is successfully set.
game.getStone(x, y)
Returns stone on given position.
- x number
X coordinate of stone.
- y number
Y coordinate of stone.
WGo.B|WGo.W|0 Stone's color. 0 means an empty field.
Adds given position on the top of the stack.
- position WGo.Position
Position to be added. If argument is omitted, current position is cloned and used instead.
In positions there are counts of captured stones stored in this form position.capCount = {black: number, white: number}
, so if you are creating your own position you should add this property to the position object.
Removes position from the top of the stack.
WGo.Position Removed position.
Removes all positions.
Returns actual number of captured stones of given player.
- color WGo.B|WGo.W Color of the player.
number Count of captured stones.
Validate actual position. Position is tested from 0:0 to size-1:size-1 field by field. If there are some moves, that should be captured, they will be removed. You can use this, after insertion of more stones.
Array Array of removed stones in form: {x: number, y: number}